Skin Lesions & Blemishes

Skin Lesions & Blemishes

As time goes by many people develop embarrassing skin blemishes. At The Hadleigh Clinic we offer various safe and effective treatments to remove minor skin lesions and blemishes returning your skin to its natural beauty.

Fortunately, these little annoyances can be quickly and easily removed with minimal or no discomfort (if local anaesthetic is used) using a medical hyfrecator (Electrosurgery) machine or minor skin surgery techniques.

Skin Tags

Skin tags are tiny bits of extra skin that can be found on any part of the body, but are most common on the eyelids and neck, and in the armpits and groin, and under the breasts. Although skin tags are benign they can be annoying especially if they catch on clothing or jewellery or interfere with shaving and they can detract from one's appearance and self-image.

Fortunately, these little annoyances can be quickly and easily be removed with minimal or no discomfort using a medical hyfrecator (Electrosurgery) machine.

Spider naevi

Spider Naevi have a small (1mm) central dilated vessel with numerous tiny blood vessels radiating from it to resemble the legs of spiders. Firm pressure with something small such as the end, not the nib, of a ball point pen, will cause it to blanch and when the pressure is released it will rapidly refill. They are common in women, particularly during pregnancy and when taking the contraceptive pill and typically occur on the face, neck, upper trunk and arms.

Blood Spots/Campbell de Morgan Spots

Campbell de Morgan Spots are benign proliferations of blood vessels resulting in small cherry-red spots up to about 5mm in diameter. They are usually multiple and most commonly occur on the trunk.

Milia (Milk Spots)

Milia are small, white spots that usually appear around the eyes (and eyelids), on the cheeks, nose and chin. They are keratin filled cysts which are commonly associated with newborn babies but can appear in people of all ages.

Seborrhoeic keratoses

Seborrhoeic keratoses are raised, crusty pigmented lesions which usually occur on the face and trunk. Some people start to develop seborrhoeic keratoses in their thirties, and most people have at least a few by the time they are sixty. Like skin tags they are normally just a nuisance – they can rub on clothing, and their appearance can be distressing that they interfere with choice of clothing, sports like swimming, and intimacy.

Common Benign (non-cancerous) Naevi/Moles:

  • Compound Naevi:
    This type of mole is raised and usually pigmented and because it is easily caught or knocked, causing bleeding, removal is often requested.
  • Junctional naevi:
    This type of naevus is typically flat and brown and may be irregularly pigmented making it sometimes difficult to tell a junctional neavus from a malignant (cancerous) melanoma
  • Intradermal Naevi:
    This type of naevus is typically thickened and often protrudes from the skin surface. They may be pigmented or skin-coloured.

Sometimes it is very obvious that a blemish is safe (benign). However, if there is any doubt the blemishes removed are sent to a laboratory for analysis to ensure they are safe.